Clive on the run
Clive Dunnico at 76 and a London Mason for 55 years is looking to run 32 miles in aid of the Metropolitan Grand Master’s fund raising appeal to purchase two extended height aerial vehicles. These appliances will be in additional resources for extended height aerial vehicles already requested by the Commissioner as part of a Mayoral review into the Brigade’s resources.
London Freemasons approached the Brigade with the funding proposal in recognition of the dedication and professionalism it has shown in making London a safer city.
Fire Commissioner Dany Cotton said: “This has been an incredibly busy and emotional year for everyone connected with London Fire Brigade and we welcome this recognition.”
Clive has already competed the first of his half marathon, with the Vitality Big Half Marathon already under his belt he will be taking part in the Southend-on-Sea Half Marathon on Sunday 10th June and the Vitality London 10000 run on Monday 28th May.